To thrift or not to thrift?
What do you think of when the words "thrift store" are said? Old, dingy, outdated, worn out? To some these words may come to mind, but not me, oh definitely not me! When I am on my way to the thrift store, all I can think of is a land of opportunity! A land where, with a little bit of searching, so much can be found, at such a small cost. Too often I don't think thrift stores are given the chance they deserve. While of course there are those clothing items that when you see them you immediately have a flashback of seeing your mom wearing that outfit and you wonder, what in the world was she thinking? These items of clothing are what I call the "dust" of the clothing section. They have seen better days, and aside from the occasional ugly sweater party, they should be laid to rest for good.
But past the dust, past the scratchy wool and stiff as starch shirts, are the gems. Perhaps someone is moving and wants to slim down their closet at home. Some people follow the rule when buying new clothes that with each new item purchased, one from home will be tossed. Maybe someone has started a diet and has changed sizes. For whatever reason it may be, there are gems at the thrift store, and for those who donate these gems, I thank you! The goal is to be optimistic. With a little searching, the gems are there, waiting for you to fall in love.
One word of advice: don't go into the thrift store with a specific item in mind to be found. Many times I have been on the hunt for the perfect fall sweater, or a great pair of jeans, and all I focus on is that, and not the other great things that may be out there.
I plan to have a series on this blog specifically for thrifting. I will show you gems I have recently found, how I would style an outfit with those items, and tips for helping you find the gems past all of the dust!
Until next time,
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